Smoking Monkey
Chimps communicate in a manner similar to human non-verbal communication, using vocalizations, hand gestures, and facial expressions. Research into the chimpanzee brain has revealed that chimp communication activates an area the chimp brain that is in the same position as Broca's area, the language center in the human brain.
Studies language
Scientists have long been fascinated with the studies language, believing it to be a unique human cognitive ability. To test this hypothesis, scientists have attempted to teach human language to several species great apes. One early attempt by Allen and Beatrice Gardner in the 1960s involved spending 51 months teaching American Sign Language to a chimpanzee named Washoe. The Gardners reported that Washoe learned 151 signs, and that she had spontaneously taught them to other chimpanzees. Over a longer period time, Washoe learned over 800 signs.