Baby Seal
Pinnipeds are carnivorous, eating fish, shellfish, squid, penguin, and other marine creatures. Most are generalist feeders, but some specialize. For example, Ross Seals and Southern Elephant Seals mainly feed on squid. Crabeater Seals eat mostly krill, and Ringed Seals almost exclusively consume crustaceans. The walrus consumes its molluscan prey by sucking the soft parts from the shell.
Some seals eat warm-blooded prey, including other seals. The Leopard Seal, which is probably the most carnivorous and predatory pinniped, eats penguins as well as Crabeater and Ross Seals. The South American Sea Lion also eats penguins as well as flying seabirds and young South American Fur Seals. Steller Sea Lions eat Northern Fur Seal pups, Common Seal pups, and birds.