Dog And The Child Friends
• Communal Friendships: A friendship where the friends gather often to provide encouragement and emotional support in times of great need. this type of friendship tends to last only when opposing parties fulfill the expectations of support for the relationship.
• Agentic Friendships: A friendship where both parties look toward each other for help in achieving practical goals in their personal and professional life. These friends help with completing projects, study for and exam, or help a friend move out. These types of friends value sharing time together, but only if there are no other priorities and the friend is actually available to help in the first place. Emotions and sharing of personal information is of no concern to this friend type.
• Pen pal: people who have a relationship via postal correspondence. Now pen pals has been established into internet friendship with the use of chat or social networking sites. They may or may not have met each other in person and may share either love, friendship, or simply an acquaintance between each other. This type of correspondence was encouraged in many elementary school children; it was thought that an outside source of information or a different person's experience would help the child become more worldly.