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Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Early politics
Schwarzenegger has been a registered Republican for many years. As an actor, his political views were always well-known as they contrasted with those many other prominent Hollywood stars, who are generally considered to be a liberal and Democratic-leaning community. At the 2004 Republican National Convention, Schwarzenegger gave a speech and explained why he was a Republican:
I finally arrived here in 1968. What a special day it was. I remember I arrived here with empty pockets but full dreams, full determination, full desire. The presidential campaign was in full swing. I remember watching the Nixon-Humphrey presidential race on TV. A friend mine who spoke German and English translated for me. I heard Humphrey saying things that sounded like socialism, which I had just left.

File information
Album name:Celebrities
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#arnold #schwarzenegger
Filesize:61 KiB
Date added:Sep 29, 2010
Dimensions:506 x 700 pixels
Displayed:17 times
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