Glamorous Handbags
Luxury handbags
A number of European manufacturers have long histories of producing leather goods. For some companies, such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton, handbags were introduced to their product range relatively recently in their history. Nonetheless, handbags are among their best-known products, and their logos are recognized in many countries today. The most expensive of the luxury handbags are made by Hermès. Prices start at $6000; handbags are made to order, and the waiting lists are years long. Hermès handbag designs carry the names of actresses, socialites, and other celebrities who were frequently photographed with a particular handbag, most notably the "Birkin" bag named after Jane Birkin, and the "Kelly" bag named after Grace Kelly.
Other designers have adopted the practise of naming their handbag designs after celebrities, for example Marc Jacobs, who created the "Stam" purse, named after model Jessica Stam.