Private Jet Executive Aircraft Photography By Nick Gleis
First and foremost, Nick Gleis is known for his aircraft photography. He has photographed over 800 private jets -- ranging from the Lear 20 series to Boeing 747- 400s. To date, he has photographed over 200 Gulfstream aircraft alone.
For over 30 years Gleis has provided exclusive photographs of private jets for such original equipment manufacturers as Gulfstream, Boeing, Falcon Jet, Cessna, Bombardier, Eclipse, Lear, and others.
For his corporate jet photography clients he has produced, managed and delivered thousands of color prints for marketing and sales purposes. He has also produced and installed large-scale custom-made photographic wall décor for hangars, corporate lobbies and offices.
In addition, Gleis has provided his exclusive photographic services to completion centers worldwide, including Gulfstream Aerospace, Airearch Aviation, The Jet Center, Associated Air Center, Falcon Jet, Gore Design Completions, DeCrane Aerospace – Pats Aircraft Completions, and Jet Aviation – Basel.