The Art Of Light Photography
Light art is a form of visual art where main media of expression is light. Light has been used for architectural aesthetical effects throughout human history. However, the modern concept of light art emerged with the development of artificial light sources and experimenting modern art. One of the first artistic uses of light is the way in which stained glass can be used to color transmitted light, examples of this goes back to the 4th century. Most prominently seen in churches and mosques with elaborate stained glass windows. Another use of light in art is in shadow puppetry, where projections of shadows from puppets can be used to create the illusion of moving images. A form of shadow puppetry is described as early as 380 BC by Plato in the Allegory of the cave. All visual art of cause use light in some form, but in modern times photography and motion pictures, use of light is especially important. However, with the invention of electrical artificial light, the possibilities were expanded and many artists began using the light as the main form of expression instead of just a vehicle for other forms of art.