Sculpture Made Out Of Typewriter Parts
cut and paste – taking text, a table, or an image and pasting it into a document. The term originated when such compound documents were created using manual paste up techniques: actual brushes and paste were very early on replaced by hot-wax machines equipped with cylinders that applied melted wax to developed prints "typeset" copy. This copy was then cut with knives and rulers and slid into position on layout sheets on slanting tables. After the "copy" had been correctly positioned and squared up using a T-square and set square, it was pressed down with a brayer, or roller. The whole point the exercise was to create so-called "camera-ready copy" which existed only to be photographed and then printed, usually by fset lithography.
line feed (LF), aka "newline" – standing for moving the cursor to the next on-screen line text in a word processor document.
Shift – a modifier key used to type capital letters and other alternate "upper" characters, would previously shift a typewriter's print carriage to allow a different stamp (such as 'D' instead 'd') to press into the ribbon and print on a page.
tty, short for teletypewriter, is used in Unix-like operating systems to designate a given "terminal".