Robocop's Son
The helmet is an old bike helmet that didn't really fit him anymore, so I ripped out all the padding inside and glued on a piece of plastic I cut out from an old bucket to make the front visor part. The circles on the sides were orange-juice-container lids. The chest piece is made out of an empty laundry-detergent bottle and the back is made from milk jugs. The arms and legs are cobbled together out of 64-oz Trader Joe juice containers. I made the boots by gluing a bunch of plastic crap to his old rain boots. Then I painted everything metallic gray.
Underneath he's wearing a child-sized wetsuit that I won on eBay for $5.49 (plus $7 shipping). And that's all the money I spent on his costume. The other day we attended an early Halloween party, and later we walked around Detroit taking pictures in various locations that looked like a dystopian-future. Robocop was happy to keep riders of our futuristic public transit system, the People Mover monorail, safe from criminal elements: