Brooklyn Robot Works Performance By Peter Kokis.
Peter Kokis is an artis, costume creator, cosplayer and performer. He makes exoskeletons - outer shells - and bring characters to life. He looks at the shape of objects and see their potential to portray something. Virtually everything can be changed to suit his needs: re-shaped, cut-down, painted...altered in his 'foundry', to be seen as something else. He manipulates plastic from different - but typical - containers, and use ordinary household & hardware items: things you'll find in your kitchen, bathroom, closets, fridge, and junk drawer. Stuff that's readily available to us all. He creates detailed, dazzling life-sized depictions of your favorite characters in fully-functional costume form, and make them real by performing as them... which is known as 'Cosplay'.
Brooklyn Optimus Prime
The noble and valorous leader of the Autobot Transformers, Prime is the ultimate symbol of strength, leadership, and honor. Immediately recognizable, this sharp,detailed, and brilliant costume depicts the galaxy's greatest hero from the recent Transformers films.