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skirt babes

Skirt Babes

• Leather skirt, a skirt made of leather
• Kilt-skirt, a wrap-around skirt with overlapping aprons in front and pleated around the back. Though traditionally designed as women's wear, it is fashioned to mimic somewhat closely the general appearance of a (man's) kilt, including the usage of a plaid pattern more or less closely resembling those of recognized tartan patterns of Scotland.
• Maxiskirt, an ankle length-skirt (1970s, but has made a comeback in the 2000s)

File information
Album name:People & Humanity
Rating (4 votes):55555
Keywords:#skirt #babes
Filesize:80 KiB
Date added:Jun 10, 2009
Dimensions:681 x 556 pixels
Displayed:381 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites