Highest Model In The World, 2.05 M
Artist's models
Art models are models who pose for photographers, painters, sculptors, and other artists as part their work art.
Models are frequently used for training art students, but are also employed by accomplished artists. The most common types art created using models are figure drawing, figure painting, sculpture and photography. Although commercial motives dominate over the esthetics in advertising, its 'artwork' commonly employs models.
Throughout the history Western Art, drawing the human figure from living models was considered the most useful tool in developing the skill draftsmanship. In the art school classroom setting, the purpose is to learn how to draw humans all different shapes, ages and ethnicities, so there are no real limitations on who the model can be. In some cases, the model may pose with various props, one or more other models, animals etc., against real or artificial background, in natural or artificial light and so on.