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Ms. Senior America Pageant

Ms. Senior America Pageant

The Ms. Senior America Pageant is a beauty pageant held in the United States. It is open to women aged 60 and older and is modeled after the Miss America Pageant, with the purpose of presenting "a positive image of aging". The 2009 event was won by Gail King of Dix Hills, Long Island, New York. King, who is also the reigning Ms New York Senior America, is a breast cancer survivor, whose philosophy of life is, “You must never give up – no matter what! This philosophy served me well when I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 25. After twelve surgeries, doctors had given me less than a 30% chance of survival. But by keeping a positive attitude and maintaining a balance – spiritually, physically, and emotionally – I fought this insidious disease. And because I refused to give up, I am here today celebrating the ‘Age of Elegance.’”

File information
Album name:People & Humanity
Rating (3 votes):55555
Keywords:#ms #senior #america #pageant
Filesize:112 KiB
Date added:Apr 13, 2010
Dimensions:550 x 827 pixels
Displayed:41 times
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