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asian girl

Asian Girl

Asian people or Asiatic people is a demonym for people from Asia. However, the use of the term varies by country and person, often referring to people from a particular region or subregion of Asia. Though usage may be based on residence, it is usually considered an ethnicity or race.
In Anglo America (mostly the United States of America), the term refers most commonly to people of predominantly East Asian and Southeast Asian ancestry; however, in the United Kingdom, the term refers most commonly to South Asians. In other countries (like countries of Continental Europe), the term is applied in a wider sense to all people from Asia or from a number of its regions. In the United States, however, West Asian and Central Asian people are usually not considered "Asian."

File information
Album name:People & Humanity
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#asian #girl
Filesize:34 KiB
Date added:Aug 14, 2014
Dimensions:471 x 685 pixels
Displayed:135 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites