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2011 FIFA Women's World Cup

2011 FIFA Women's World Cup

The World Cup tickets were offered in several sales phases. During the first sales period from 29 October 2009 to 31 August 2010, only so-called city series tickets were offered. Each city series includes tickets for all games of that particular host city. The prices ranged from €30 to €415. In the second sales period from 17 February to 31 August 2010, so-called 20Eleven tickets were sold to groups of at least 11 people, offered at a 20 percent discount and directed primarily at schools and clubs. Single tickets for all matches were first sold starting 15 September 2010. The prices of individual tickets range from €10 to €200. On 18 March 2011, 100 days before the opening game, the last sales phase started, with all remaining tickets being sold in the order in which orders are received.
Unlike tickets at the 2006 men's World Cup in Germany, the tickets for the Women's World Cup will not be personalised. The same city series ticket can be used by different people for different games.
• Budget and sponsors
The tournament's budget has been set at €51 million. The German Football Association plans to cover these costs in almost equal parts from ticket sales and from sponsors, primarily from six so-called National Supporters. In order for the tournament to break even, the DFB has said about 80% of the tickets need to be sold, which would translate to an average attendance of 25,000. The DFB estimates to earn roughly €27 million through the general ticket sale.

File information
Album name:Sport and Fitness
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#fifa #women #world #cup
Filesize:49 KiB
Date added:Jul 18, 2011
Dimensions:700 x 469 pixels
Displayed:306 times
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