Stop The Bloody Seal Slaughter
Another (more advanced) early pinniped is Enaliarctos, which lived 24 – 22 million years ago. It is believed to have been a good swimmer, but to have been able to move on land as well as in water, more like an otter than like modern pinnipeds. There has been longstanding debate as to whether walruses diverged from a common otariid-phocid ancestor, or whether the phocids diverged before a common otariid-odobenid ancestor. The most recent evidence suggest that the latter hypothesis is more likely.
Orkney Folklore
In the folklore of the Orkneys, seals are known as The Seal People or Selkie Folk; selkies will occasionally take human form and dance. To do so they have to remove their seal skin, revealing what appears to be a human underneath. They would also venture onto land for encounters with human women, often unsatisfied ones.