Creative Handbag By James Piatt
These handbags are created by an American designer James Piatt. James Piatt (born 1977) is an American designer who is most recognized for his controversial handbag designs. His work has also included innovative designs for consumer products, furniture, electronics and architecture. James attended the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena and received his degree in 1999. He has been a staff industrial designer for two major manufacturers in the U.S. and has been a consultant for product development and architecture firms. His works has won numerous awards and patents and have helped change the way we experience design.
James created his first handbag, the original PeaceKeeper in 2004 as a gift. After the response on the street to his first bag, James decided to product and retail them on his website in the beginning of 2005. He has since introduced several other handbags and has developed new ways for constructing them.