Albino Elephant
White elephants are only nominally white. Of those currently kept by the Burmese rulers — General Than Shwe regards himself as the heir of the Burmese kings — one is grey and the other three are pinkish, but all are officially white. The king of Thailand also keeps a number of white elephants. There are none in Laos at present, nor in Cambodia, but former U.S. vice-President Spiro Agnew once presented a white elephant to King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia.
Indian culture
Indra (alias Sakra) and Sachi Riding the five-headed Divine Elephant Airavata, Folio from a Jain text, Panchakalyanaka (Five Auspicious Events in the Life of Jina Rishabhanatha (Adinatha)), circa 1670-1680, Painting in LACMA museum, originally from Amber, Rajasthan