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2011 World Series of Poker girls

2011 World Series Of Poker Girls

Following the events of online poker's Black Friday on April 15, 2011, Full Tilt Poker (FTP) had failed to uphold its promise to return U.S. poker players' funds by May 15. As a result, Phil Ivey, a professional poker player and former representative of FTP, announced that as long as Full Tilt players were denied access to their money, he would forgo the 2011 World Series of Poker and sue the company.
For the first time in WSOP history, a bracelet was awarded to the WSOP Circuit National Championship winner in the 100-qualifier event. The event, which took place from May 27 through May 29, was won by amateur player Sam Barnhart.

File information
Album name:Sport and Fitness
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#world #series #poker #girls
Filesize:38 KiB
Date added:Jul 18, 2011
Dimensions:467 x 700 pixels
Displayed:306 times
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