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2011 World Series of Poker girls

2011 World Series Of Poker Girls

• Stud poker
Cards are dealt in a prearranged combination of face-down and face-up rounds, or streets, with a round of betting following each. This is the next-oldest family; as poker progressed from three to five-card hands, they were often dealt one card at a time, either face-down or face-up, with a betting round between each. The most popular stud variant today, seven-card stud, deals two extra cards to each player (three face-down, four face-up) from which they must make the best possible 5-card hand.
• Draw poker
A complete hand is dealt to each player, face-down, and after betting, players are allowed to attempt to change their hand (with the object of improving it) by discarding unwanted cards and being dealt new ones. Five-card draw is the most famous variation in this family.

File information
Album name:Sport and Fitness
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#world #series #poker #girls
Filesize:44 KiB
Date added:Jul 18, 2011
Dimensions:467 x 700 pixels
Displayed:581 times
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