Re-imagining Kids' Drawings By Garrett Miller
Imaginawesome arose out of a Reddit thread several months ago. A high-quality painting by a 6-year-old prompted commenters to post their own kids’ art. Miller killed some time one night enhancing one of the pieces. The reaction provided just enough fuel to try it again, eventually leading to a website. Miller, who doesn’t have kids of his own and whose friends are only now starting families, has relied on extended networks and the Internet to find new material.
Miller recalls his own drawing sessions as a kid. He’d spend hours with his tongue hanging out, drawing some elaborate creation, only to have the final version fall short of what he had imagined in his head. “I remember being a kid with an awesome idea,” Miller recalls. “I look at these pictures now and I don’t know what I was thinking.”
Thus far, only a handful of artwork has been published. Each picture takes an hour or two, typically drawn on an old Wacom tablet while a movie plays in the background. One boy was so delighted with his IA treatment, he returned the favor.