Buildings In New York City, Illustration By James Gulliver Hancock
He has traveled extensively including an overland journey from Sydney to London via S.E. Asia, China, Japan, Russia and Europe. Rolling in a typhoon in the sea between Japan and Russia he wondered how he’d save his sketchbook when the ship sank. He undertook artist residencies all over Europe and most recently has been in America where he has worked for a wide variety of high profile clients. These include Dell Computers, Coca-Cola, Businessweek Magazine, The New York Times, Simon&Schuster, Herman Miller etc… To which he brings his whimsical skill in mediums of illustration, animation and design.
Currently he works out of studios in The Pencil Factory in Brooklyn, New York, and from his homeland studio in Sydney, Australia.
You may know his work from his project www.allthebuildingsinnewyork.com