Women Before 10 A.m. By Veronique Vial
Women before 10 A.M is a deliciously intimate group portrait of the most alluring up-and-coming (and occaisionally very famous!) women in the public eye early in the morning. Caught in the act of sleeping, snuggling, primping, canoodling, dressing, eating, smoking, bathing, parenting, or waking up are today's sexiest and most sought after actresses, models, artists, and celebrities.The results are humorous, touching, elegant, sexy, and above all very feminine.
Artfully shot by celebrity photographer Veronique Vial, "Women Before 10 a.m." is billed as a book of portraits of famous women early in the morning. The bad news is that these women look just as good first thing in the morning as they do after hours of primping. All jealousy aside, Vial does capture a few poignant moments.