Antonov An-12 Cub Crashed And Abandoned
• An-12PL
(Polyarny, Lyzhnyy – Polar ski-equipped) Two aircraft converted with fixed ski undercarriage, heavily insulated hold and flight deck, powerful onboard heater for the cabin and engines, and the underfloor tanks of the 'An-12BP Polar'.
• An-12PP
(Postanovchik Pomekh) (a.k.a. An-12BK-PP) An Electronic Countermeasures version developed in 1970 to operate within large formations of regular An-12 transports providing ECM for the whole formation. The automatic system identified air defense radars and aimed jamming signals in their direction. The active Booket (bouquet) jammers radiated from three blisters under the fuselage and the tail gunners position was fitted with ASO-24 (Avtomaht Sbrosa Otrazhately – automatic chaff dispenser) chaff dispensers with the chaff cut to length as determined by the frequency of the radar detected. Three pairs of heat exchangers were fitted to the forward fuselage sides providing cooling for the mission equipment, and a fourth pair above the main gear fairings. 27 aircraft were converted from An-12BK aircraft, with at least two aircraft completed with only the chaff dispensers and non-standard rod aerials on the forward fuselage. At least two An-12PP aircraft were de-militarised and sold to civilian owners retaining the distinctive ogival tailcone.