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Girls from Uruguayan Carnival 2014, Montevideo, Uruguay

Girls From Uruguayan Carnival 2014, Montevideo, Uruguay

- Sociedades de Negros y Lubolos
In Uruguay, las Sociedades de Negros y Lubolos, also called comparsas are a group of people who sing and dance to candombe music. The word lubolos makes reference to the white people that dresses as black people in the past in order to take part in the dance parades during colonial times in Uruguay. It consists of a group of dancers, a group of drummers named Cuerda de tambores and special characters such as La Mama Vieja, El escobero y El Gramillero
- Murga
Murga is a theatrical-musical genre that consists of a chorus of 14 to 17 people with murga drums. They sings songs and do some acting in between with impersonators and a mockery of events that criticizes politicians and society. People in murgas have their faces painted and usually are in bright outfits. Lyrical content is based on a particular theme, chosen by the group, which serves to provide commentary on events in Uruguay or elsewhere over the preceding year. Consequently, murga lends itself well to being used as a form of popular resistance. For example, during the dictatorship in Uruguay in the 1970s, groups like Araca La Cana became known for their left-wing tendencies, subversive commentary and oppositional stance.

File information
Album name:People & Humanity
Rating (2 votes):33333
Keywords:#girls #uruguayan #carnival #montevideo #uruguay
Filesize:81 KiB
Date added:Feb 28, 2014
Dimensions:700 x 525 pixels
Displayed:192 times
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