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sport girl athlete

Sport Girl Athlete

"All-around athlete"
An "all-around athlete" is a person who competes in multiple sports at a high level, for instance, someone who plays both basketball and baseball professionally. Examples of people who played numerous sports professionally are Jim Thorpe, Lionel Conacher, Deion Sanders (male), Danny Ainge (male) and Babe Zaharias (female). Others include Ricky Williams, Bo Jackson, and Damon Allen, each of whom were drafted both by Major League Baseball and by professional gridiron football leagues such as the NFL and the CFL.

File information
Album name:Sport and Fitness
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#sport #girl #athlete
Filesize:47 KiB
Date added:Feb 15, 2017
Dimensions:700 x 569 pixels
Displayed:182 times
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