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young girl with a nice ass buttocks

Young Girl With A Nice Ass Buttocks

o apple (bottom), referring to the similar shape of the fruit, derived from the 1970s. Also likened to an upside-down heart, attributed from various, popular ads of the '70s.
o caboose, originally a ship's galley in wooden cabin on deck; also the "rear end" car of a freight train, considered a cute synonym suitable for any audience
o cakes
o bottom (and the shortening "bot" as well as childish diminutives "bottie" or "botty"), but the use of similar-sounding booty is artistic liberty

File information
Album name:People & Humanity
Rating (3 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #girl #nice #ass #buttocks
Filesize:57 KiB
Date added:Oct 26, 2014
Dimensions:688 x 670 pixels
Displayed:309 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites