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Contestants Miss USA 2015

Contestants Miss USA 2015

Colorado - Talyah Polee - 26 - 5 ft 8 in (173 cm) - Denver
Connecticut - Ashley Golebiewski - 21 - 5 ft 9 in (175 cm) - Hartford
Delaware - Renee Bull - 22 - 5 ft 9 in (175 cm) - Middletown - Top 11 - Miss Congeniality (tied) - 1st runner-up at Miss Delaware 2012, contestant at National Sweetheart 2012
District of Columbia - Lizzy Olsen - 26 - 5 ft 10 in (178 cm) - Washington, D.C.

File information
Album name:People & Humanity
Rating (2 votes):55555
Keywords:#contestants #miss #usa
Filesize:27 KiB
Date added:Jul 15, 2015
Dimensions:398 x 600 pixels
Displayed:334 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites