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motorcycle club bikers' tattoos

Motorcycle Club Bikers' Tattoos

Types of clubs, groups and organizations
Motorcycle clubs vary a great deal in their objectives and organizations. Mainstream motorcycle clubs or associations typically have elected officers and directors, annual dues, and a regular publication. They may also sponsor annual or more frequent "rallies" where members can socialize and get to know each other. Some publish in book form lists of members that can be used by touring motorcyclists needing assistance.
There are a great many brand clubs, or clubs dedicated to particular marques, including those sponsored by various manufacturers, such as the Harley Owners Group and the Honda Riders Club of America. There are large national independent motorcycle clubs, such as BMW Motorcycle Owners of America, the STAR Touring and Riding Association, and the Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA). In the United Kingdom, there are brand clubs such as the Triumph Owners Motor Cycle Club (founded in 1949).
Clubs catering for those interested in vintage machines such as the Vintage Motor Cycle Club are also popular as well as for those centered around particular venues such as the Ace Cafe club. Clubs catering for riders' rights such as the Motorcycle Action Group, and charities such as the 59 Club are popular, many affiliating with the umbrella organization, the British Motorcyclists Federation. National and local branch club magazines and events are typical characteristics of such clubs. More informal groupings continue to exist though for riders local to each other.

File information
Album name:Art & Creativity
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#motorcycle #club #bikers #tattoos
Filesize:39 KiB
Date added:Nov 17, 2010
Dimensions:690 x 443 pixels
Displayed:22 times
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