Extreme Buildering, Moscow, Russia
In the 1990s and the following decade, Alain Robert became the world's most famous builderer by free soloing high buildings all over the globe.
In 2007, buildering in Cambridge was featured in a detective novel by Jill Paton Walsh .
Between 2007 and 2011, several books on night climbing were published by Oleander Press, of Cambridge. In 2007, they reprinted the Whipplesnaith book . In 2009, they reprinted Geoffrey Winthrop Young's first edition of the Trinity Guide , and the St John's Guide . In 2010, they reprinted John Hurst's second edition of the Trinity Guide , as well as Young's book "Wall and Roof Climbing" . In 2011, they published an omnibus edition of the three Trinity guides , including an introduction by Richard Williams which reviewed the history of night climbing in Cambridge from the 18th century to the present day. This introduction removed the cloak of anonymity that had previously protected the identities of the first nocturnal explorers.
The identification of the first recreational or professional builderer remains an open question, but at Cambridge, Geoffrey Winthrop Young is generally regarded as the original pioneer.