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cosplay girl costume presentation

Cosplay Girl Costume Presentation

The Never Ending Vow (未完之約) by Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dating at UST (科大之約) by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
+ Private events
It is not really an event, but someone inviting other cosplayers (mostly impersonating the characters from the same issue) privately, and go together a place to cosplay. The purpose for this kind of gathering is mainly for photography. The relatively popular places for such the functions in Hong Kong could be such as Tai Po Waterfront Park or Kowloon Park.

File information
Album name:Art & Creativity
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#cosplay #girl #costume #presentation
Filesize:50 KiB
Date added:Jan 05, 2018
Dimensions:700 x 661 pixels
Displayed:234 times
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